With an establishment of a key fossil energy and clean energydepartment and the CGEmodel of carbondioxide emission from the fossil energy, the paper had an analysis on the carbon tax policy in thedevelopment of the low carbon economics of China affected to the energy requirements and earbondioxide emission. The analysis results showed that in order to reduce the carbondioxide emission and implement the carbon tax policy, with the increasing of the emission reduction, the carbon tax level would be steadily increased, the carbon tax rate of the three fossil energies would be steadily increased and the carbon tax rate of the coal would be the highest of the three energies. With the carbondioxide emission reduction quantity steadily increased, the requirements of coal, petro oil, natural gas, coal - fired power all would be reduced. The reduction percentage of coal requirement would be the highest, the reduction percentage of coal - fired power requirement would not be high and the low carbon energy requirement would keep stable basically. Themain task of the carbondioxide reduced emission would be the coal energy.
Coal Engineering