利用PCR-SSCP和DNA测序方法对帕里牦牛、工布江达牦牛、类乌齐牦牛、康布牦牛、桑日牦牛、巴青牦牛、江达牦牛、斯布牦牛、嘉黎牦牛、桑桑牦牛、丁青牦牛等西藏11个牦牛类群共483头牦牛的ADD1基因(被认为是极可能影响肉质的候选基因)第2外显子序列进行遗传多态性分析。结果表明,66 bp处碱基T缺失和256 bp处A→G突变,共有AA、AB、BB 3种基因型;其中帕里牦牛只有AA基因型,江达牦牛只有AB基因型,康布牦牛、嘉黎牦牛、巴青牦牛、桑日牦牛、斯布牦牛均缺少BB基因型,丁青牦牛、类乌齐牦牛缺少AB型,均存在严重偏态;桑桑牦牛、工布江达牦牛中存在AA、AB、BB 3种基因型。除江达牦牛外,其它10个牦牛类群中AA为优势基因型,A基因为优势等位基因,分布较高。除帕里牦牛、巴青牦牛外,其它9个牦牛类群均处于中度多态(0.25<PIC<0.50),遗传变异较大。
ADD1 gene is an important gene which involved in the affect of animal fleshy.In this research,PCR-SSCP and DNA sequencing were used to analysis the polymorphism of ADD1 gene part exon2 in 483 Yak which comes from Pali Yak,Gongbujiangda Yak,Leiwuuqi Yak,Kangbu Yak,Sangri Yak,Baqing Yak,Jiangda Yak,Sibu Yak,Jiali Yak,Sangsang Yak,Dingqing Yak.Two single polymorphism sites were discovered in exon2 that is 66 bp T deletion and 256 bp A/G,and three genotype were founded which is AA,AB,BB.Pali Yak only have AA.Jiangda Yak only have AB,there was the predominated genotype.BB genotype was not detected in Kangbu Yak,Jiali Yak,Sangri Yak,Baqing Yak,Sibu Yak.AB genotype was not detected in Dingqing Yak and Leiwuqi Yak.AA,AB,BB genotypes present in Sangsang Yak and Dongbujiangda Yak.AA was the predominated genotype and the allele A was the dominance allele,which was distribution higher.In addition to Pali Yay and Baqing Yak,other nine groups of the polymorphism information contents were moderate polymorphisms(0.25PIC0.5).Genetic variation are larger.
Biotechnology Bulletin