
中日两国小学生数学学力的比较研究 被引量:1

A Comparative Study of Mathematics Academic Ability in Primary School between China and Japan
摘要 促进中小学生数学学力发展是数学教育的重要任务。本文选用了日本"全国学力调查"小学六年级数学试卷,对中国五省部分六年级学生的数学基本知识的掌握情况和灵活应用的能力进行测试,并与日本同龄小学生进行比较,分析两国小学生数学学力的异同,对我国数学课程与教学改革进行一些思考。 The important task of mathematics education is to promote the development of students' mathematics academic ability in the primary and secondary school. The authors use the sixth grade math papers of "Japan National Assessment of Academic Ability" to text the Six Graders which are from five provinces in China whether they can master the basic knowledge of mathematics and the ability of flexible application. And in the mean time, the authors compare our students with their peers in Japan to analyze the difference of the students' mathematics academic ability between the two countries. Through the study, the authors would give some thought about the curriculum of mathematics and the revolution of mathematics teaching.
作者 孔企平 杨莉
出处 《全球教育展望》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第1期77-81,共5页 Global Education
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地研究项目“基于理论与实践对话的教学创新研究”(批准号为07JJD880233)和“义务教育阶段数学学科核心能力模型与测评框架研究”(批准号为79641022)阶段性研究成果
关键词 数学学力 学习评价 中日比较 数学教育 mathematics academic ability assessment of academic ability Sino - Japan Comparison mathematics education
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