During the period of "Eleventh Five- Year Plan", CDM projects developed iast in China under good policy enviromuent. This paper uses data envelopment analysis methods to measure 26 listed companies of overall efficiency, pure technical and scale efficiency conditions in 2009, which are CDM. The results show that: First, as a whole, the o- verall production efficiency is not high, most of them have a small production scale, which is far from the optimal scale. Second, clean development mechanism projects' overall efficiency in China is not high. Those projects which are easy to implement amt quick rewarded in the short term are popular. But those with high technology which could make a large contribution to China' s sustainable development are relatively few; Third, the efficiency level of China listed compa- nies' CDM projects is not high, which is incompatible to the requirements for achieving sustainable development, and government' s greal attention to energy conservation and emission reduction, and the introduction of related policies and measures to promote the implementation of CDM projects during the period of " Eleventh Five - year Plan "
Science and Technology Management Research
Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) concept
listed companies
input and output efficiency