介绍了如何利用OpenGL技术与3DS Max软件快速地构建三维场景,并对3DS模型在OpenGL程序中的应用作了介绍。通过降低OpenGL建立复杂三维模型的难度,减少建模的工作量。通过利用专业建模软件3DS Max的优点,较快地建立复杂的模型,并利用OpenGL的编程接口对建立的模型进行实时绘制和交互控制,降低建模时间,加快系统开发进程。
This paper describes how to use OpenGL technology and 3DS Max software to quickly build a threedimensional scene. It also introduces the application of the 3DS model in the OpenGL application program. By lowering the difficulty with which the complex three-dimensional model is established by OpenGL, the workload of modeling is reduced. Through the use of the advantages of the professional modeling software 3 DS Max, a more complex model is quickly established. And the OpenGL programming interface is used to protract the model in real time and control it interactively, thus reducing the modeling time and accelerating the system development process.
Electronic Science and Technology