
国际发展话语的重塑--中国与非洲国家农业合作的方式与反思 被引量:6

Reshaping the International Development Discourse?——The Modalities of China-Africa Agricultural Cooperation and Its Implications
摘要 中非合作关系日益得到政界和学界的关注,一方面,由于相关研究信息的缺乏或偏差,中非合作往往与新殖民主义联系起来,另一方面,也有学者认为其不同的哲学和方式可以为现行以西方为主导的国际发展框架提供启示与机遇。文章以中非农业合作作为案例和切入点,探讨了中非农业合作中发展援助、贸易和投资相结合的特点,并在更广泛的视角上反思了中非合作对于现行国际发展框架所提出的挑战与机遇,主要包括:第一,与其援助,不如发展商业?重新思考发展援助的实质与地位;第二,谁是发展的主体:发展干预的边界与主体角色的塑造;第三,重塑国际发展话语:更多新兴国家的参与。 The China-Africa cooperation has aroused increasingly wide concern from political and academic circles.On the one hand,China's activities in Africa has been labeled as neocolonialism due to the lack of information and misunderstanding;on the other hand,China's novel approach of development cooperation has been acclaimed as an emerging opportunity to balance the current international development architecture dominated by the OECD-DAC countries.The paper will take the China-Africa agricultural cooperation as a case to discuss the coalition engagement between aids and entrepreneurial activities and its implications to the international development framework broadly,mainly including: Firstly,put aid in the right place—rethinking the essence and the role of the development aid;secondly,who owns development—the boundary of the development intervention and the facilitation of the development agency;thirdly,reshaping the international development discourse—more participation of the non-DAC donors.
出处 《中国农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2011年第4期26-33,共8页 Journal of China Agricultural University;Social Sciences
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大攻关课题子课题“新时期中非农业合作的战略与政策研究”(项目编号:09JZD0039-06)的支持 国家留学基金委资助的青年骨干教师出国研修项目的支持,是笔者之一在剑桥大学访学期间的部分研究成果
关键词 国际发展 话语 中非农业合作 International development Discourse China-Africa Agricultural cooperation
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