以2种耐旱性不同的盆栽小麦陕合6号(干旱耐受型)和郑引1号(干旱敏感型)为材料,分别在其苗期、分蘖期、拔节期、开花期对土壤实施不同程度的自然干旱胁迫和复水处理,采用SDS-PAGE和Western blotting技术研究其叶片脱水素的表达规律,探究小麦整个生长期脱水素的表达与干旱胁迫的关系.结果表明:2种小麦的脱水素均仅在干旱胁迫时表达,其中45 kD和37 kD的脱水素在2种小麦的4个发育期的叶片中均有表达,28 kD的脱水素仅在特定发育时期表达.在干旱耐受型小麦(陕合6号)中,脱水素在胁迫初期少量表达,随着胁迫程度加剧表达量急剧增加,在重度干旱胁迫下达到峰值,复水后小麦叶片中脱水素含量迅速下降;在干旱敏感型小麦(郑引1号)中,脱水素在胁迫初期大量表达,中度胁迫表达量小幅度回落,到复水1 d达到峰值,此后随着复水时间增加小麦叶片中脱水素的量逐渐下降.研究表明,小麦叶片脱水素表达与干旱胁迫程度和生育期迫密切相关,不同耐旱型小麦材料中叶片脱水素表达的差异与品种之间的干旱耐受能力密切相关.
Through the experiment to investigate dehydrin expression in different wheat genotypes at various developmental stage under drought stress.Two different drought resistant wheat cultivars(Drought sensitive type:'Zhengyin 1';Drought tolerance type:'Shaanhe 6') were planted in pots,imposed natural drying stress for drought stress treatment at the stage of seedling,tillering,jointing and flowering.The techniques of SDS-PAGE and Western blotting were used to detect dehydrin expression.Dehydrins with the molecular weight of 45 kD and 37 kD were detected at the four developmental stages in the all wheat under drought stress,28 kD dehydrin only expressed at the specific developmental stage of two wheat genotypes.In drought tolerance type wheat,dehydrin has little expression at the early stage of drought stress,as the stress increasing,the dehydrin expression volume increase quickly and reach the peak under the worst stress,and the expression volume decreased quickly after rehydration.In drought sensitive type,dehydrin has much more expression at the early stage of drought stress,as the stress increasing,the dehrdrin expression volume increased slowly after a slightly reducing,and reached the peak at the first day of rehydration,after that the amount of dehydrin decreased slowly.It indicates that rehydration recover ability of the sensitive type is weaker than that of the tolerance type.Expression of dehydrin in two wheat genotypes are closely related to the drought stress.The expression patterns of dehydrin are different at the various developmental stages in the same genotype.The expression patterns of dehydrin are different between drought tolerance type and drought sensitive type.That is related to their drought tolerance ability.
Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica