
低碳建筑技术创新参与主体博弈及激励机制研究 被引量:4

Research on Low Carbon Technology Innovation Participation Body Game Analysis & Incentive Mechanism in Building Industry
摘要 高能耗工业化进程随着世界能源日益紧张趋势逐渐出现瓶颈,发展低碳经济、推行低碳技术创新无疑是应对全球变暖、减少能耗的一种最佳途径。本文分析了建筑产业各参与主体的基本关系,利用信息经济学委托代理理论,就建筑企业在执行低碳技术创新政策时项目业主、政府和监管机构的博弈关系及效用,探讨了建筑企业的风险承担和政府监管力度的影响因素和各主体参与合谋的形成条件。最后给政府发展低碳建筑技术创新激励机制、监管机制和打击合谋方面提供了积极的建议。 Low carbon technology innovation is an undoubted good method in strengthening the low carbon economy development in fixing the big conflicts of energy shortage and global warming. This thesis analyzes the principal relationships among participation bodies of low carbon building. A study of constructing principal agent based model among government, engineering developer and supervisory company is presented. This thesis explores the influence factors and utilization conditions of low carbon technology adoption risk and government supervision between the building industry and government, and finally presents the solutions on how to set up incentive mechanism, select suitable government supervision degree and prevent the collusion during the low carbon technology innovation process in building industry.
作者 施骞 赖小东
出处 《上海管理科学》 CSSCI 2011年第6期7-13,共7页 Shanghai Management Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(70972072)
关键词 低碳建筑 技术创新 委托代理 博弈论 激励机制 Low carbon building Technology innovation Principal agent tbeory Game theory Incentive mechanism
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