
逻辑:一个生长和变动的概念 被引量:5

Logic:A Growing and Changing Concept
摘要 "逻辑"是一个生长和变动的概念。逻辑与人类思维有关,它从对"人类事实上如何思维"的考察中提炼出"人类应该如何思维"的规范。随着人类思维的发展以及人类认知和实践需求的变化,不同历史时期或阶段的逻辑研究会在题材、重点、方法、结果等方面显现出很大的差异,从而导致逻辑理论形态的多样化。在计算机科学和人工智能研究的推动下,当代逻辑正向人类的实际思维领域进军,由此带来逻辑研究的一些新特点:直接明显的描写性,技术上的复杂性,推理结论的不确定性,以及追求研究结果的可应用性等。我们不能把在某一个历史时期或阶段占主导地位的研究方式视为唯一或绝对正确的研究方式,用它去剪裁和评判历史前辈和当代同行的逻辑研究。"独立之精神,自由之思想"是学术研究的灵魂,也应该在逻辑学研究中提倡和坚守。坚持学术标准与保护学术自由,应该并行不悖。 ‘Logic' is a growing and changing concept. Logic is concerned with human thinking; it refines theprescriptions of how human beings should think from the descriptions of how human beings actually think. Because of the development of human thinking and the change of human's wants in cognition and practice, logical studies of different historical periods usually show important difference in their subject matters, emphases, methodologies and results, and then the varieties of logical theories have been multiplied. In the push of computer science and artificial intelligence research, contemporary logic becomes to focus on the investigation of how human actually think on different concrete topics, and brings itself some new characteristics, e.g. the direct and obvious description of actual process of thinking, the complexity of logical techniques, the uncertainty of the conclusions of inference, and the pursue of the applicability of the resulting theories, and so on. We can't take the dominant approach of a historical period to be absolutely or uniquely correct one, and use it to judge all the research of our historical predecessors and contemporary colleagues. We should never forget the slogan that 'independence in spirit, freedom in thinking' which is the soul of academic research, and never forget to put it into practice in our logical studies. We should maintain academic standards and protect academic freedom at the same time.
作者 陈波
出处 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第12期55-63,共9页 Academic Monthly
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地(北京大学外国哲学研究所)项目"对克里普克语言哲学的系统性质疑和对一种新理论的建构"(11JJD720001)的阶段性成果
关键词 逻辑形态 思维模式 人工智能 批判性思维 思维四律 逻辑的可修正性 varieties of logic, modes of thinking, artificial intelligence, critical thinking, four basic laws ofthinking, the revisability of logic
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