4Gurpreet S. Khurana, " China-India Maritime Rivalry", in India Defense Review, Vol. 23, No. 4, October/ December 2008, p. 90. 被引量:1
5Harsh V. Pant, " China's Naval Expansion in the Indian Ocean and India-China Rivalry", in The Asia-Pacific Journal, see from http://www, japanfocus, org/-Harsh_V _ Pant/3353#. 被引量:1
7Ishaan Tharoor, " China's Navy Grows, and the World Watches Warily" ,in Time, 13 May,2009. 被引量:1
8"President Rajapaksa' s Interview with TIME Magazine" ,The Official Government News Portal of Sri Lanka, July 14,2009, see from http://www, news. lk/index, php? op tion = corn_content&task = view&id = 10581 <emid = 44. 被引量:1
10Vikas Bajaj,"India Worries as China Builds Ports in South Asia" ,in The New York Times,15 February,2010. 被引量:1