
从明清志书看韩愈故里及韩愈墓所在地问题——以明清一统志、河南通志为例 被引量:2

On the hometown and the location of HAN Yu tomb based on the national chorography of Ming and Qing Dynasty and the general records of Henan
摘要 关于韩愈故里和韩愈墓所在地的问题,历来都有分歧。通过对明天顺五年《大明一统志》、明成化二十二年《河南总志》、明嘉靖三十七年《河南通志》、清康熙九年《河南通志》、清康熙三十四年《河南通志》、清雍正九年《河南通志》以及清乾隆四十九年《大清一统志》的梳理和分析,我们认为,韩愈是修武人,韩愈故里在修武是毋庸置疑的。至于明成化二十二年《河南总志》、清乾隆四十九年《大清一统志》关于韩愈"河阳人"的含糊其辞的记载,缘于明侍郎耿裕成化二十一年《题韩家庄诗碑》的影响以及雍正至乾隆初年翰林五经博士继承权的纷争。但对于韩愈墓在孟县的记载,我们予以尊重,在此存疑。同时,对于历史上修武也有韩愈墓、韩氏祖茔而明清一统志、河南通志未予记载的状况,我们也持存疑的态度。 The views are always divergent on HAN Yu's Hometown and the location of HAN Yu tomb.We are definitely sure that HAN Yu's hometown was in Xiuwu county after the careful study and analysis of the Nationwide Records of the Ming Dynasty in the 5th year of the reign of Ming Emperor Tianshun,the General Records of Henan in 22nd year of the reign of Ming Emperor Chenghua,the General Records of Henan in 37th year of the reign of Ming Emperor Jiajing,the General Records of Henan in 9th year of the reign of Qing Emperor Kangxi,the General Records of Henan in 34th year of the reign of Qing Emperor Kangxi,the General Records of Henan in 9th year of the reign of Qing Emperor Yongzheng,and the Nationwide Records of the Qing Dynasty 49th year of the reign of Emperor Qianlong.The obscure record of that HAN Yu was a Heyang People in the General Records of Henan in 22nd year of the reign of Ming Emperor Chenghua and the Nationwide Records of the Qing Dynasty 49th year of the reign of Emperor Qianlong is from the influence of Geng Yu's Ti Hanjiazhuang Shi Bei in the 21st year of the reign of Ming Emperor Chenghua and the argument of the inheritance of the court academician of Confucian classics from the years of Yongzheng to the beginning of Qianlong years.But we respect but still hold doubt about the record that HAN Yu's tomb is in Mengxian County.We also doubt that HAN yu's tomb and the Ancestral Graves of HAN Family are in Xiuwu county,because there is no such a record in the Nationwide Records of the Ming and Qing Dynasty and the General Records of Henan.
作者 程峰
出处 《周口师范学院学报》 CAS 2011年第6期10-16,共7页 Journal of Zhoukou Normal University
关键词 韩愈故里 韩愈墓 明清一统志 河南通志 修武 孟县 HAN Yu's hometown HAN Yu's tomb the national chorography of Ming and Qing Dynasty the general records of Henan Xiuwu county Mengxian county
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  • 1李贤,彭时.大明一统志[M].明天顺五年刻版. 被引量:1
  • 2胡谧.河南总志[M].成化二十二年刻版. 被引量:1
  • 3邹守愚,李濂.河南通志[M].明嘉靖三十七年刻版. 被引量:1
  • 4李濂.嵩渚文集[M].嘉靖年间刻本. 被引量:1
  • 5贾汉复,沈茎,徐化成.河南通志[M].清康熙九年刻版. 被引量:1
  • 6顾沂,李祖辉,张沐.河南通志[M].清康熙三十四年刻版. 被引量:1
  • 7田文镜,孙灏.河南通志[M].重修版.清光绪二十八年. 被引量:1
  • 8和坤.大清一统志[M].清先绪二十八年上海宝善斋石印本. 被引量:1
  • 9耿裕.题韩家庄诗碑[M]//乾隆五十三年《孟县志》卷9《金石志下》. 被引量:1
  • 10修武《韩文公门谱》(1956年续修本)[M].修武县史志局. 被引量:1













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