Contemporary Education Sciences
1Quinn. J. Powerful Subjects: Are Women Really Taking Over the University [M]. Staffordshire:Trentham Books,2003. 被引量:1
2Davies. S., Lubelska, C. and Qinn, J. Changing the Subject: Women in Higher Education[M].Bristol: Taylor and Fancis,1994. 被引量:1
3Minnich, E. & O'Barr, J & Rosenfeld, R. Reconstructing the Academy[M]. Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1988,p.204. 被引量:1
4Faragher J.M. Howe, F American History: Essays From centennial Symposia [M]. New Inc.,1998,p.202. Women and Higher Education in the Mount Holyoke College Sesqui- York: W. W. Norton & Company,. 被引量:1
5Faragher J.M. Howe, F. Women and Higher Education in American History: Essays From the Mount Holyoke College Sesqui- centennial Symposia [M]. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.,1998,p.204. 被引量:1
6Francis. B. and Christine. S. Investigating Gender: Contempo- rary Perspectives in Education [M]. Buckingham: Open University Press,2001. 被引量:1
7Kelly. G.P. Slaughter. S. Women's Higher Education in Comparative Perspective[M]. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990. 被引量:1
8KeUy. G.P. Slaughter. S. Women's Higher Education in Comparative Perspective [M]. Dordrecht:Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990. 被引量:1
9Solomon. B.M. In the Company of Educated Women: A History of Women and Higher Education in America[M]. New York: Yale University Press,1985. 被引量:1
10Astin, H.S. & Hirsch, W.Z. The Higher Education of Women: Essays in Honor of Rosemary Park [M]. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1978. 被引量:1
1佟月华.当代美国特殊教育的新发展[J].中国特殊教育,2000(4):25-28. 被引量:14
2刘春生,李建荣.新职业主义与当代美国职业教育的新进展[J].外国教育研究,2006,33(3):63-67. 被引量:14
3刘春生,李建荣.新职业主义与当代美国职业教育的新进展[J].国外职业教育,2006(2):2-5. 被引量:1
4肖炜蘅.当代美国华文教育浅析[J].八桂侨史,1999(3):35-41. 被引量:2
7勾月.当代美国职业教育终身化发展及其启示[J].重庆科技学院学报(社会科学版),2007(6):159-160. 被引量:2
8佟月华.美国全纳教育的发展、实施策略及问题[J].中国特殊教育,2006(8):3-8. 被引量:29
10金鑫.卫斯理 庭院锁不住的春天[J].新海归,2010(3):76-79.