目的:观察咪达唑仑持续静脉维持治疗癫痫持续状态(SE)的疗效。方法:38例SE患儿应用咪达唑仑持续静脉维持治疗,开始以0.1-0.2 mg/(kg.h)r静脉滴注,随后以0.1-0.4 mg/(kg.h)持续静脉滴注,根据发作状态调整剂量大小。结果:26例SE患儿应用咪达唑仑维持治疗后痫样发作停止。4例患儿症状部分缓解,6例患儿无效,2例患儿因基础疾病死亡。咪达唑仑应用过程中无严重不良反应出现。结论:应用咪达唑仑治疗SE有效、安全。
Objective To study the therapeutic effect of midazolam on status epilepticus(SE) in children.Method Total 38 SE children were initially given first-dose of midazolam 0.1-0.2 mg/kg intravenously,followed with a maintenance dose of 0.1-0.4 mg/(kg·h),iv continuously,which was adjusted according to the state of seizure.Results The midazolam therapy terminated SE in 26 patients,and partly alleviated the seizurea in 4 patients;no effect in 6 patients,and 2 patients died.No deaths were directly attributed to administration of midazolam.No severe side-effect was noted on midazolam.Conclusion Most SE in children could be successfully managed with midazolam.
Jilin Medical Journal