

Analysis on the related risk factors of primary vaginal cancer among the women of Uyghur nationality and Han nationality in Xinjiang
摘要 目的:探讨新疆维、汉族妇女原发性阴道癌相关危险因素的差异,为新疆维、汉族妇女原发性阴道癌的防治提供依据。方法:对1998年12月~2010年8月就诊于新疆医科大学附属肿瘤医院并诊断为原发性阴道癌的52例病历资料(汉族31例,维族21例)进行回顾性分析。结果:①52例患者平均年龄52.6岁,社会地位较低、文化程度以小学及文盲为主,年龄和文化程度民族之间无统计学差异;维吾尔族妇女以农民为主,职业在两民族之间有统计学差异。②18岁以前结婚12例(23.1%),均为维族,初婚年龄在两民族之间有统计学差异,生育次数3次及以上共28例(53.8%),两民族之间无统计学差异。③出现症状超过3个月就诊者29例(55.8%),两民族之间无统计学差异。④临床期别中汉族患者Ⅰ~Ⅱ期占本民族患者的48.4%,Ⅲ~Ⅳ期占52.6%,维族Ⅰ~Ⅱ期占本民族患者的42.9%,Ⅲ~Ⅳ期占57.1%,临床期别在两民族之间无统计学差异;鳞癌45例(86.5%),其中汉族24例、维族21例,腺癌6例(11.5%)均为汉族,腺鳞癌1例亦为汉族,病理类型在两民族之间有统计学差异;组织分化程度为中分化37例(71.2%),汉族22例、维族15例,无统计学差异。结论:新疆维、汉族妇女原发性阴道癌相关危险因素中文化程度、生育次数、就诊时间、临床分期、组织分化程度在两个民族女性间无统计学差异;职业、初婚年龄、病理类型有统计学差异。 Objective:To explore the difference of primary vaginal cancer related risk factors between the women of Uyghur nationality and the women of Han nationality,provide a basis for prevention and treatment.Methods:The data of 52 cases(including 21 women of Uyghur nationality and 31 women of Han nationality) who hospitalized in the hospital and were diagnosed as primary vaginal cancer from December 1998 to August 2010 were analyzed retrospectively.Results:①The average age of 52 cases was 52.6 years,their social statuses were low,and most of them had low educational level(primary school or illiteracy),there was no significant difference in age and educational level between the women of Uyghur nationality and the women of Han nationality;most of the women of Uyghur nationality were peasants,there was significant difference in occupation between the women of Uyghur nationality and the women of Han nationality.②12 women(23.1%) married before 18 years old,all of them were Uyghur,there was significant difference in the age of first marriage between the women of Uyghur nationality and the women of Han nationality,28 women(53.8%) had reproduced for three times or more than three times,there was no significant difference between the women of Uyghur nationality and the women of Han nationality.③29 women(55.8%) went to the hospital with the appearance time of symptoms more than three months,there was no significant difference between the women of Uyghur nationality and the women of Han nationality.④Among the women of Han nationality,the proportions of women with vaginal cancer of stages Ⅰ~Ⅱ and stages Ⅲ~Ⅳ were 48.4% and 52.6%,respectively;while among the women of Uyghur nationality,the proportions of women with vaginal cancer of stages Ⅰ~Ⅱ and stages Ⅲ~Ⅳ were 42.9% and 57.1%,respectively,there was no significant difference between the women of Uyghur nationality and the women of Han nationality;45 women(86.5%) were found with vaginal squamous cell cancer,including 24 w
出处 《中国妇幼保健》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第33期5154-5156,共3页 Maternal and Child Health Care of China
关键词 原发性阴道癌 危险因素 民族 Primary vaginal cancer Risk factors Nationality
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