
评凯特·格伦维尔的新历史小说 被引量:5

An Oppositional Reading of Kate Grenville's Neo-historical Fiction
摘要 当代澳大利亚著名作家凯特·格伦维尔的两部新历史小说《密河》和《少尉》同以殖民时代的民族接触为题材,出版以来受到国内外文学批评界和史学界的高度关注。小说家声称自己试图通过小说还原澳大利亚的一段历史,但是两部小说在叙事安排上暴露了作者鲜明的文化立场,本文立足批判型解读立场,对两部作品中暗含的意识形态进行揭示,论文提出,《密河》和《少尉》在呈现内容和叙述视角安排上都与小说还原历史真相的创作初衷不符,从表面上看,两部小说反映了小说家渴望民族"和解"的诉求,但小说字里行间通篇都在呼唤对曾经的殖民参与者给予一种超越历史的理解,在这种理解的背后,小说家不仅失落了对于历史的尊重,展现在读者面前的更是一种敬畏白人殖民者的"祖先游戏"。 In 2005 and 2008,world-renowned Australian novelist Kate Grenville published the first two novels of an intended neo-historical trilogy on early Australian settlement: The Secret River and The Lieutenant.Critically acclaimed both in and outside Australia,Grenville proclaimed that these novels sought to straighten the country's records by retrieving the secret early history as it was.Drawing on Stuart Hall's theory of oppositional reading,this article argues that the two novels betray the novelist's nobler claims,through the consistent use of the white man's narrative perspective and a more contemporary form of humanist ideology.It believes that,in the name of promoting reconciliation,the novels really seek a trans-historical acceptance of and perhaps a cover-up for the atrocities committed by the colonial ancestors.Both novels,therefore,participate in what Alex Miller criticized as the "ancestor game" in contemporary Australian culture.
作者 王丽萍
出处 《当代外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第4期110-118,共9页 Contemporary Foreign Literature
关键词 凯特.格伦维尔 新历史小说 《密河》 《少尉》 祖先游戏 Kate Grenville neo-historical fiction The Secret River The Lieutenant ancestor game
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  • 3Blainey, Geoffrey. "Drawing Up a Balance Sheet of Our History. "Quadrant 37 (July/August 1993 ) . 7-8. 被引量:1
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