
壳聚糖在柠檬酸溶液中溶解行为研究 被引量:6

Dissolution properties of chitosan in citric acid
摘要 采用电位测试法和电导测试法研究壳聚糖在柠檬酸溶液中的溶解行为。即利用电位测试法确定壳聚糖质子化度,利用电导测试法确定壳聚糖溶解于柠檬酸中质子化的作用。结果表明:壳聚糖质子化度α=1.0时,完全溶解;柠檬酸浓度、溶解温度和溶解时间都会影响壳聚糖的溶解,酸浓度的增大、溶解温度的升高和溶解时间的延长都有利于壳聚糖的溶解。壳聚糖存在于柠檬酸溶液中时,溶液性能与其溶解行为密切相关,在一定酸浓度范围内,质子化度达到最大值,有效的解决了壳聚糖的溶解性问题,更好的满足了其在生物医学工程领域的应用要求。 AIM:Applying potentiometry and conductimetry , dissolution properties of chitosan in citric acid solution were investigated. METHODS:Potentiometry allowed the determination o{ degree of protonation. Conductimetry was al- lowed to follow the role of protonation on solubilization of chitosan. RESULTS: Result showed solubilization occurred for a degree of protonation on 1.0 ; the concentration of CA, reaction temperature and reaction time affected dissolution of chi- tosan in CA. The concentration of CAwas larger, the reaction temperature was higher and the reaction time was longer, the dissolution of chitosan was better. CONCLUSION: When chitosan existed in citric acid solution, the solution perform- ance was closely related with its dissolved behavior, in certain acid concentration scope, the protonizing maximizing, disso- lution properties of chitosan were effectively solved, it had satisfied the application request in the bio-medical engineering domain.
出处 《化工新型材料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第11期121-123,共3页 New Chemical Materials
基金 云南省基础研究重点项目(2009CC020) 昆明理工大学科学研究基金资助项目(200927006)
关键词 壳聚糖 柠檬酸 电位 电导率 溶解 chitosan,citric acid, electric potential, conductivity dissolution
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