用有益芽孢杆菌A、B、C作为添加剂饲喂生长育肥猪,对肠道菌群及酶活性进行 了测定。结果表明:使用芽孢杆菌的育肥猪,肠道菌的数量和消化酶的活性均有 不同程度的变化:①B组芽孢杆菌的数量比对照组增加20.4%,C组增加22.2%, 差异显著(P<0.05);②A组双歧杆菌的数量比对照组增加18. 40%, C组增加 13. 2%,差异显著( P<0.05),③肠道α-定粉酶活性, A组比对照组高6. 9个糊 精化活力单位,差异显著;A、B、C三组胰蛋白酶活性,与对照组相比,差异不 显著。
The probiotic microbials Bacillus (group A,B,C) were used in. thetrial to study the influence on microflora and enzyme activity of growing swine.The result showed that the quantity of microflora and digestive enzyme activitychanged at different levels. Firstly, in B.C groups Bacillus improved signif-icantly 20. 4%, 22. 2% to the contrast respectively (P<0. 05). Secondly, in groups Aand C Bifidus improved significantly 18. 4%, 13. 2% to the contrast respectively(p<0.05). At last, in group A the activity of a-amylase improved 6. 9 dextrinningactivity to contrast (P<0. 05). and in groups A,B,C the activity of trypsin had nosignificantly difference compared to the contrast.
Journal of Sichuan Agricultural University