Polyacrylonitrile (PAN)carbon fiber is a kind of high performance stuctural mateterial .The PAN-base fibers inversion fibers involves the follwing pro-cessing steps:stabilization,carbonization and graphitization.And stabiliaztion is a critizal step .In this paper the evolution of composition and structure os two types of PAN-base carbon fibers A and B during stabilization was studied by pyrolysis -gas chromatography (PGC),The optimum, PGC conditons were obtained and the laws of evolu-tion of composition and strure were discussed.The stabilization can be divided into initial stage,middle stage and latter stage.During the initial stage and middle stage,cycization is induced by oxygen to form oxy-hetercoycles.Then nitrille groups cyclized.meanwhile,dehydrogenation adn oxidation take place.During the latter stage,a stable skeleton structure forms with nitrile groups disappearing.Thw skeleton structuredoesn't change very much during carbonization .The chemical reaction are very vio-lent during initial stagend middle stage:therfore,careful control is needed during preparation.
Journal of Iron and Steel Research