In this paper, we investigate the Ishikawa iteration process in a p-uniformly smooth Banach space X. We prove that the Ishikawa iteration process converges strongly to the unique solution of the equation Tx=f when T is a Lipschitzian and strongly accretive operator frow X to X, or to the unique fixed point of T when T is a Lipschitzian and strictly pseudocontractive mapping from a nonempty closed convex subset K of X into itself. Our results are the extension and improvements of the earlier and recent results in this field.
In this paper . we investigate the Ishikawa iteration process in a p umformly smooth Ba-nach space X. We prove that the Ishikawa iteration process converges strongly to the unique solution of the equation Tx = f when T is a Lipschitzian and strongly accretive operator from X to X, or to the unique fixed point of T when T is a Lipschitzian and strictly pseudocontractive mapping from a nonempty closed convex subset K of X into itself. Our results are the extension and improvements of the earlier and recent results in this field.
The project supported by the Science and Technology Development Fund of Shanghai Higher Learning