新一轮1∶5 万区调揭示出康滇地轴中段会理—河口地区褶皱基底具明显双层结构。下褶皱基底由古元古代优地槽型沉积的河口岩群、通安组中浅变质岩与黎溪—新发超单元组合变质侵入岩组成,定型于1700Ma±的中条运动;上褶皱基底由中元古代冒地槽型沉积的会理群浅变质岩与溜姑—云甸超单元组合侵入岩组成,定型于900 ~850Ma ±的晋宁运动。二者变形,变质等特征迥然有别。
regional geological serveying reveals two layer structure of fold besement in Huili Hekou district,Kangdian Axis Lower fold basement is composed of low grade metamorphic rock of the Paleoproterozoic Hekou Group and Tongan Formation belonging to eugeosynclinal deposit and metamorphic intrusive rock of the Lixi-Xinfa Superunit Assemblege,with an age of about 1,700 Ma;upper fold basement consists of epimetamorphic rock of the Middle Proterozoic Huili Group belonging to miogeosynclinal deposit and intrusive rock of the Liugu Yundian Superunit Assemblege,with an age of 900~850 Ma Lower fold basement differs from the upper fold basement in deformation and metamorphism
Acta Geologica Sichuan