流型的研究一直是管路内两相流研究领域中的重要内容。从近些年的研究情况来看 ,由于结构的复杂性及应用等的限制 ,与圆管内两相流相比 ,对环空管内两相流流型的研究起步较晚 ,自 70年代末至今 ,只有少数学者对空气—水 (或油 )、空气—泥浆两相流流型及转换进行了一些理论及实验研究。现有的一些有关流型及转换的研究结果大多是针对垂直环空管内上升两相流而言的 ,对其他配置形式的环空管两相流研究不多 ,并且许多结果均是在较小的工况范围内取得的 。
The studies on flow pattern is always an important content of research field of two phase flow in a flow tube. This paper,combined with petroleum development, provides certain introduction and commentary to the research progress and present state ofresearch on flow pattern of gas-liquid two phase now in the annulus. From the situation of research work in the past fewyears,due to complication of its structure and limitation of its application, compared to two phase flow in a round tube, thestudies on flow pattern of gas-liquid two phase flow in the annulus started very late,since the end of 70s,only a few scholarshave made some theoretical and experimental studies on two phase flow pattern and conversion such as air-water(or oil), airmud.The most existing research results of flow pattern and conversion relate to two phase up flow in a vented annular tube,but few research work has been done on other combinations two phase flow in an annular tube, moreover,Inany results wereobtained in the limited range of working conditions and could not be extensively used yet in petroleum development,a largerrange of working conditions.
Well Testing