目的探讨"通尿灵"加"保列治"对前列腺增生症的疗效。方法 54例分别以"通尿灵"或"通尿灵"加"保列治"治疗8周。结果在治疗4周、8周时,两治疗组的国际前列腺症状评分(IPSS)、生活质量评分(QQL)、最大尿流率(MFR)均显著改善。8周时,联合治疗组中 IPSS 减少≥25%者占88.9%,MFR 增加≥3 ml/s 者占51.8%,而单用"通尿灵"治疗者8周时 IPSS 减少≥25%者仅占66.7%、MFR 增加≥3 ml/s 者占29.6%,联合治疗4周时以上数值分别为63.0%和29.6%。结论 "通尿灵"加"保列治"能提高对前列腺增生症的疗效。
Objective To study the clinical efficacy of combining Tadenan and finasteride in the treatment of benign prostatic hperplasia (BPH).Methods 54 cases with BPH were evaluated before treatment,4 weeks and 8 weeks after treatment with Tadenan alone or combining with finasteride.Results 4 weeks and 8 weeks after treatment with Tadenan alone or combining with finasteride,the IPSS score and quality of life(QQL) score of patients were significantly decreased and maximal flow rate (MFR) was significantly elevated.In those patients treated with Tadenan plus finasteride,88.9% of them with IPSS score being decreased more than 25 % and 51.8% of the patients with MFR being elevated more than 3 ml/s,both significantly improved more than 66. 7% and 29.6% of 8 weeks treatment with Tadenan alone,as well as 63.0% and 29.5% of 4 weeks treatment with Tadenan and finastride.Conclusion Combining Tadenan and finastride can improve the theraputic efficacy of BPH.