The linguistic interference of one’s mother tonguealways poses an obstacle to his or her learning of for-eign languages and teachers should try their best to dis-cover means to overcome this.This paper analyzes theforms and causes of Chinglish,which is created byadult Chinese learners of English through their moth-er-tongue interference.After a contrastive study ofsome linguistic features between Chinese and English,the author lists ten common forms of Chinglish,il-lustrated with examples from his own teaching prac-tice,and points out their respective causes and somepossible measures to eradicate them.
The linguistic interference of one's mother tongue always poses an obstacle to his or her learning of for- eign languages and teachers should try their best to dis- cover means to overcome this.This paper analyzes the forms and causes of Chinglish,which is created by adult Chinese learners of English through their moth- er-tongue interference.After a contrastive study of some linguistic features between Chinese and English, the author lists ten common forms of Chinglish,il- lustrated with examples from his own teaching prac- tice,and points out their respective causes and some possible measures to eradicate them.