This article discusses the evolution of the jiao(教/叫) sentence from causative to passive. The source of the jiao passive sentence is the following: the sentence must have three arguments (implied)?NPI=(NP2→NP3).In front of the jiao sentence, there is a clause containing a causee of jiao. That is to say, the causee before jiao and the patient after it have reflexive relations, i.e. NP1 and NP3 refer to the same object, or there is a close relationship between. Therefore the affectedness of the causee has been strengthened. And through re-analysis, the jiao sentences convert into passive ones. The change emerged in the Yuan Dynasty and fully developed in the late Ming or early Qing Dynasty. This change has a certain connection with the development of pre-modern Chinese special bei(被) sentences, and rang(让) sentences, and it has common withother languages in the process of causative sentences converting into passive sentences.
Linguistic Sciences