Objective: To exptorc clinical effect of omcprazolc and mosapridc citiate combined therapy in H.pylori infection induced functional dyspepsia.Methods: One hundred and forty patients with funclional dyspepsia were equally divided into Treatmenl Group and Control Group (each 70 cases). Both wcrc treated with amoxicillin and clarithromycin. On the basis. Treatment Group was treated with combined therapy of omeprazolc and mosapride; Control Group was treated with only omeprazole,Results: Through treahnent. Treatment Group showed an overall effective rate of 85.7% and Comrol Group 71.4% (the former much higher), with a significant difference (P〈0.05). Meanwhile, H.phlori cradication rates of both groups were 89.3% (62/70) and 714%% (50/70) with the former much higher than the latter (P〈0.05). And both groups showed similar umoward cflecls mainly including slight and intermediate tolerable effects. However, these effects sanished after drug withdrawal.Conclusion:It is effective to use omcprazolc and mosapride citrate combined therapy in H.pylori infection induced Ihnctional dyspepsia with the resuh of improving H.pylori eradication rate. having few untoward effects. For this reason., its application is worth promoting.
Chinese Journal of Medicinal Guide