
药物临床试验中使用安慰剂对照的伦理原则与冲突分析 被引量:2

Ethical Principles and Violation of Placebo-controlled Treatment in Medicine Clinical Trial
摘要 医学伦理学界提出了一些有关药物临床试验的伦理原则,得到了广泛的认同和应用;药物临床试验中安慰剂的使用具有重要的意义,但实践操作在一定程度上也与一些伦理原则发生着冲突,通过对知情同意原则与随机双盲对照的欺骗必然性、有利原则与安慰剂对照的有伤可能性、自主原则与受试者的非自主性和公正原则与受试者的利害失衡性等分析,提出了解决这些冲突的途径,如分类使用安慰剂对照等,以期为安慰剂的正确使用提供一些伦理学参考。 Some ethical principles about medicine clinical trial have been proposed and identified, such as the principle of in- formed consent, the principle of beneficence, the principle of autonomy and the principle of justice. The application of placebo in medicine clinical trial have many important significances, however, to some extent the placebo--controlled treat- ment violates some ethical principles in the practice, such as the cheating infallibility and the harm probability of random double--blind control trail, the non--autonomy and gain--loss imbalance of subjects. This article analyzes these problems and suggests some measures to prefer the ethical reference for the reasonable use of placebo in medicine clinical trial.
出处 《医学与哲学(A)》 北大核心 2011年第10期23-25,共3页 Medicine & Philosophy:Humanistic & Social Medicine Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金项目重点资助项目"新医改方案与构建和谐医患关系若干问题研究" 项目编号:10AGL012
关键词 安慰剂 药物临床试验 伦理原则 placebo, medicine clinical trial, ethical principle
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