
混沌理论与二语习得研究 被引量:2

Research on Chaos Theory and Second Language Acquisition
摘要 二语习得的传统研究模式没有充分认识到语言与语言习得本身的复杂性或混沌性。论述混沌理论及其哲学基础、基本特征,并运用混沌理论深入分析了二语习得的显著特性,即动态非线性和自组织复杂性。动态非线性集中表现为语言习得过程中动态、非线性的吸引子状态,语言习得的每个子系统或要素都与其他子系统或要素相互影响、相互作用,并产生不同要素间的递归回路和分歧点。自组织复杂性充分反映了自组织对初始条件的敏感性,开放性、发展性等特征,说明了二语习得应不断同外界进行信息、能量和物质的交换,从而将二语习得研究置于社会实践领域。 The traditional modes of SLA research neglect the complexity or chaotic property of language and language acquisition.The article discusses Chaos Theory and its philosophical foundation as well as its basic characteristics.Based on Chaos Theory,the dynamic nonlinearity and the complexity of self-organization are analyzed deeply.The dynamic nonlinearity is mainly manifested as the attractor states in language acquisition in which each subsystem or element interacts and effects with each other and it occurs the recursive loops and bifurcation points among the different elements.The complexity of self-organization reflects sensitivity to initial condition and the feature of openness and development,which explains that SLA should exchange information,energy and material with its external environment without stopping,thus to put SLA research into social practice and to promote the further research on SLA.
出处 《湘潭大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第5期158-160,F0003,共4页 Journal of Xiangtan University:Philosophy And Social Sciences
基金 湖南省哲学社会科学成果评审委员会项目:"复杂理论与大学英语学习发展研究"(编号:0806022B)阶段性成果
关键词 混沌理论 二语习得 动态非线性 自组织复杂性 Chaos Theory SLA dynamic nonlinearity complexity of self-organization
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