本文研究了离子色谱在岩石、矿物、土壤、饮用水、谷物、油菜籽、蔬菜及人发、血、尿等复杂样品中的阴离子分析方法及其应用。其中包括用电化学检测器测定I^-、Br^-、SCN^-和CN^-;用电导检测器测定F^-、Cl^-、NO_2^-、NO_3^-、PO_4^(3-)、SO_4 ^(2-)和NH_4^+等。方法快速、结果准确、适用于各类样品。在配合安徽省地方病的多学科调查与防治研究及环境背景值调查中均获得满意的结果。
A discussion is given of the application of IC to anion analysis in various complex materials such as rocks, minerals, sols, drinking water, cereals and hair, etc. An electrochemical detector was used for the determination of I^-, Br^-, SCN^- and CN^- and a conductimetric detector for F^-, Cl^-, NO_8^-, NO_3^-, PO_4^(8-), SO_4^(2-) and NH_4^+.The results obtained agreed well with the recommended values for a variety of geological and environmental reference samples. method has been used to determine thousands of environmental samples for anion levels to assist in an epidemiologic study of endemic goiter and endemic cretinism in Anhui province. It was found that these diseases are high in areas of low iodine levels in drinking water.
Rock and Mineral Analysis