Modeling is the basis for the data management of uncertainty. The specificity in the uncer- tainty of the data in the k-anonymity privacy protection model is found, namely, its uncertainty is caused by artificial generalization, and the probability that each instance is reduced after generalization to the o- riginal tuple is equal. Because of its specificity, the past modeling approaches of uncertainty data are not suitable for the uncertainty klata in the k-anonymity privacy protection model simply. In order to describe uncertainty data in the k-anonymity privacy protection model, several new modeling methods are pro- posed in this paper, the K model uses the attribute-ors ways to describe the uncertainty in the quasi-i- dentifier attribute values of the k-anonymity privacy protection model; the Ktuple model takes the quasi-i- dentifier attribute values as relations and use the tuple-ors ways to describe the relations; the Kupper! model separates some generalization values to two fields: the upper limit and the lower limit; the K model based on the property that k-anonymous table is the generalization of the ordinary relation with generalization tree splits the quasi-identifier attribute value into a certain tree reversely. A model space which consists of these models is given. The completeness and closure about these models are discussed later.
Computer Engineering & Science