SPI是一种高速、全双工、同步的串行通信接口.由于其简单易用的特性,现在越来越多的外围芯片集成了这种通信协议.但在实际应用中有相当一部分MCU因为自身不具备SPI接口而限制了其在SPI总线器件中的使用,出于产品体积、成本和可扩展性等方面的考虑,设计人员往往希望使用不具备SPI接口的MCU去控制具备SPI接口的外围器件.笔者介绍了SPI总线的特征和时序,给出了利用I/O Port软件方式模拟三线SPI通信时序以实现串行通信的方法和程序流程.
SPI is a high-speed, full-duplex, synchronous serial communication interface. Because of its feature of ease to use, more and more peripheral chips integrate this communication protocol. However, in practice, a considerable part of MCUs with no SPI interface will be limited in the use in SPI bus device. In considering of the product size, cost and scalability, designers would like use MCU with no SPI interface to control the external device with SPI interface. In this paper, the characteristics and timing of SPI bus are introduced. The software method for simulating the 3-wires SPI serial communication timing using I/O Port is proposed in this paper.
Journal of Zhejiang University of Technology