Droughts can cause major economic and human losses, which affects hundreds of millions of people, and numerous studies have highlighted the need for drought prevention. Longest consecutive dry days (LCDD), defined as the longest period during the year when no measurable precipitation was recorded, are used as a simple indicator for identif- ying years with long dry periods and potential drought conditions. Based on daily precipi- tation data in dry season during 1956-2008 in the Dongjiang River Basin, this article con- structs the time series of longest consecutive dry days (LCDD). The empirical mode de- composition (EMD), rescaled range (R/S) analysis and Mann-Kendall (M--K) test methods are used to explore the variation laws of LCDD and its influencing factors. The EMD method is used to obtain intrinsic mode functions (IMFs), by which variations of the origi- nal series are analyzed on various time scales. The results of intrinsic mode functions by EMD method indicate that there are obvious periodic variations with scales of 2.3, 4.0, 6.4, 10. 7, 16.0 and 21.3 years for LCDD, and 2.3-year scale is the first period. The re- sidual component decomposed by EMD shows that there is a significant changing trend with 0.26 d/a. The results of M-K test show that there exists an abrupt point in 1982 for the time series of LCDD. The Hurst exponent computed by R/S analysis method indicates that a long-term memory characteristic exists in LCDD time series. The Hurst exponent is found to be greater than 0.5, implying that the future tendency of LCDD is consistent with that of the past. LCDD is closely related with the occurrence of ENSO (El Nino-Southern Oscillation) event, that is, the year of E1 Nino phenomenon generally sees the LCDD re- duction, while E1 Nino in the following year has a general increase in LCDD. The impact of ENSO on the LCDD is a very complex physical process. So further studies should be done to find the physical meaning of this process. Finally, in the Dongjiang River Basin
Geographical Research
longest consecutive dry days
empirical mode decomposition
theDongjiang river basin