本文应用 ABC 法对89份新生儿脐血、103份围产期妇女及126份未婚育龄妇女进行血清抗巨细胞病毒特异性 IgM 抗体测定,同时与常规 ELISA 法做比较。三组人群的阳性检出率分别为4.49%,32.02%和17.46%。在新生儿和晚期妊娠妇女组中,民汉检出率存在显著性差异(P<0.05),且围产期妇女检出率高于对照组(C组)。两法同为阳性患者 ABC 法检出的抗体滴度为 ELISA 法的2.08倍。12例 ELISA法阴性者 ABC 法阳性,提示该法对抗体水平较低的 CMV 患者更具有诊断价值。实验结果表明:ABC 法在测定巨细胞病毒 IgM 较 ELISA 法敏感,且特异、简单和快速。
The method of ABC—ELISA was applied for the detection of anti—CMV IgM antibody in serum sam- ples of 89 umbilical cord,of 103 perinatal women and of 126 unmarried mature female,compared with standard ELISA.The positive rates were 4.49%,32.02% and 17.46% with ABC in three groups respec- tively.There were obvious statistical difference(P<0.05)between the positive rate of Wei nationality pop- ulations and that of Han nationality populations in the newborn infants and the pregnant women.The posi- tive rate of perinatal women group was higher than that of the control.The geometric mean antibody titer detected with ABC was 2.08 times of that detected with standard ELISA,13 cases CMV with ELISA— negative results were positive by ABC.indicating the ABC method may be of more diagnostic value than the standard ELISA in identification of cases with lower anti—CMV IgM antibody.Analytic results showed that the ABC—ELISA system can provide a sensitive,specific,simple and convenient method for the diagnosis of cytomegalovirus.