本文讨论了酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)检测CMV IgM抗体各种影响因素,并引入正交试验方法。我们评价抗原和酶标板的预处理、封板液、包被时温对测定结果的影响顺序和程度。结果表明:预处理和封板步骤在酶标试验中非常重要。用正交试验得出的最佳条件确定抗晾最佳包被浓度较常规方法更快速,准确。
It is the purpose of this article to discuss the various affectlng factors of detecting CMV IgM by ELISA. We evalnted the affecting sequence and degree ef the pretreatment of antigen and microelisa plates, the blocking solutions, as well as times and temperatures of coating antigen for the experimental results by the orthogonal test. The result shows that the steps of blocking and pretreatmemt are very important in ELISA. The most condition chosen from the orthogonal test is superior to the routine methods for determining the coating concentration of antigen, With the advantange of fewer time and quicker and more exact.