The condition of hair vortex was surveyed in the Uygur people. 425 male and femaie students were examined from Xinjiang medical college. Results show that frequence of single clockwise hair vortex is higher than that in the Han nationality, and romarkably higher than that in the Yao and Zhuang nationalities. But the frequence of single counter clockwise is lower than that in the Han nationality, and obviously lower than that in the Yao and Zhuang nationalities. Frequence of double cistrans hair vortex is higher than that in the Zhuang nationality and lower than that in the Yao nationality. Frequence of double clockwise hair vortex is higher than that in the Han, Yao and Zhuang nationalities. It is prompted that nationality difference of hair vortex is significant.
hair vortex
physique anthropology
Uygur nationality