
风油精中REACH高关注物质-二甲苯麝香的测定——气相色谱-质谱联用法 被引量:5

Determination of 5-Tert-Butyl-2,4,5-Trinitro-M-Xylene(Musk Xylene) of Substances of Very High Concern of REACH Regulation in Essential Balm by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
摘要 本文采用甲苯做溶剂,试样经过超声波提取后,加无水硫酸钠除去水分,离心沉淀悬浮物,取上层澄清液体过中性氧化铝柱净化,用气相色谱-质谱仪进行检测,外标法定量。方法检出限(10 S/N)为0.5mg/kg,加标样品的回收率在96.5%-109.1%,测定值的相对标准偏差小于7.8%。 The 5-tert-butyl-2,4,5-trinitro-m-xylene(musk xylene) was extracted ultrasonically with toluene.Anhydrous sodium sulfate was added to remove moisture,and then suspended matter was precipitated by centrifugation.The upper clear liquid was purified by Alumina neutral SPE.The external standard method was employed for quantitative analysis with GC-MS.The detection limits(10 S/N) was 0.5 mg/kg.Values of recovery found by standard addition method were in the range of 84.3%-112.3% with the value of RSD's(n=7) less than 7.8%.
出处 《检验检疫学刊》 2011年第4期32-35,73,共5页 Journal of Inspection and Quarantine
基金 宁波市自然科学基金(2009A610141)
关键词 REACH 高关注物质 二甲苯麝香 气相色谱-质谱联用法 GC-MS REACH SVHC Musk Xylene
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