以中国南方马尾松为研究对象,对南方马尾松不同器官的碳素含量、灰分含量与去灰分热值的分布特征进行研究。结果表明:①南方马尾松林分的平均碳素含量、灰分含量与去灰分热值分别为50.55%,1.02%,21.74 kJ.g-1;枝、叶、干、皮、根相互之间的平均碳素含量、灰分含量、去灰分热值都具有显著性差异;②认为将树干(去皮)中部位(3.5/10树高处)碳素含量,皮的上、中、下部位的平均去灰分热值,枝的中、下部位的平均灰分含量可分别作为整株碳素含量、去灰分热值、灰分含量是可行的;③马尾松碳素含量、去灰分热值、灰分含量三者之间均存在较强的相关性,其中去灰分热值与灰分含量的相关性系数达0.668;④马尾松碳素含量比较稳定,与林木起源、胸径、年龄等因子相关不显著,而去灰分热值、灰分含量与胸径、年龄、冠幅、树高相关性显著,与起源、坡度、海拔等因子相关性不明显。
In this paper,based on the data of Masson pine(Pinus massoniana)in southern china,the carbon content,ash contents and ash free caloric values of different organs were analyzed.The results showed as follows: ①the average carbon content,ash contents and ash free caloric values of Masson pine is 50.55%,1.02%,21.74kJ·g-1,the average carbon content,ash contents and ash free caloric values of different organs are significantly different;②this paper presented that the carbon content,ash free caloric values and ash contents of Masson pine could be gained respectively by investigating the carbon content of stem at relative tree height 3.5/10,the average ash free caloric values of stem bark at relative tree height 1.0/10,3.5/10 and 7/10,the average ash contents of branch at middle and lower storey;③there is a significantly related among the carbon content,ash free caloric values and ash contents,the correlation coefficient between ash contents and ash free caloric values is 0.668;④the carbon content of Masson pine is relatively stable,and is not related significantly with the tree origin,diameter and age and etc.But ash free caloric values and ash contents are related significantly with the diameter,age,crown and height,and are not related significantly with the tree origin,slope,elevation and etc.
Central South Forest Inventory and Planning
Masson pine
carbon content
ash contents
ash free caloric values