目的探讨口服阿司匹林的急性阑尾炎患者的临床特点与治疗策略。方法对24例口服阿司匹林的急性阑尾炎患者,与同期200例普通急性阑尾炎患者进行对比分析。结果两组患者的年龄、术中出血量、进食时间、病理类型等相比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 口服阿司匹林的急性阑尾炎患者年龄大,病情复杂,故手术应力求简单有效,妥善止血,术后常规放置引流管,密切观察患者有无内出血,治疗需综合考虑,兼顾治疗内科疾病。
Objective To analyze the clinical feature and treatment strategy of patients with acute appendicitis who are receiving oral aspirin therapy.Methods The 24 cases of patients with acute appendicitis who are receiving oral aspirin therapy and 200 cases of acute appendicitis were analyzed comparatively.Results There was a difference between the two groups in the age,mean intraoperative blood loss,mean eating time and pathological type,the difference had statistical significance(P0.05).Conclusion It is more complicated to treat the elder patients of acute appendicitis who are receiving oral aspirin therapy.The operation should be simple and do effective procedure to avoid bleeding,place a drainage tube and the internal hemorrhage condition of patients should be close observed.Treatment must be consider integratedly,and take account of internal disease.
Clinical Journal of Medical Officers