Post-evaluation surveys(PESs)of China's refined oil product sales network investment projects make the investment decisions more scientific,standardized and democratic,improve basic investment management practices and the overall capability of PES staff and enrich and develop PES theory and practice.However, PES development has a quite short history and is still at an elementary stage,and problems remain,such as awareness of PESs’importance needs to be raised,the evaluation system needs to be continually improved,the mechanisms for feedback to and implementation of the evaluation results need further improvement,the shortage of professional PES staff needs to be addressed, the existing staff's overall capability needs to be further improved,etc.Suggestions are put forward to solve these problems:innovating the evaluation system and improving the management system,enhancing their ability to guide practice;clearly formulating the selection standards for typical and single projects and the sourcing of funds so as to ensure effective project execution; improving the evaluation result's feedback and diffusion mechanism to increase the evaluation's role;enhancing the building of a professional evaluation team;and standardizing the consulting service.
International Petroleum Economics