During the sumrner (December 1994 to beh 1995) in Anfortica, investigations at fixed stations were made into the population qUanhty and vertical distribution of the Anthehc limpet (Nacella concinna) on the pebble beach, rocky beach and ver-tical cliffs, respectively, of the intertidal zone of the Fildes peninsula Antarctica. On the pebble beach, three sampling zones, each 1m wide and spaced 2m apart were set up; piles were driven and connected with ropes to serve as marks for sampling at the high and low tide areas. The quantities of Nacella concinna and Neptunea sp. living in the sampling zone, the cover percentage of the algae and the distribution of benthic algae were counted and recorded for every 1m×1m quadrats The spatial distribution of Nacella concinna was studied by setting up 16×16 quadrats 0.1m×0.1m each and the quantity was recorded. On the rocky beach one sampling zone was set up. On the cliff the vertical distribution of Nacella concinna was inveshgated by counting layer by layer (0.1m) from the high to low hde areas.An obvious drop in the population quantity of Nacella concinna on the pebble and rocky beash to 35% and 52% of its inihal quanhty, respechvely, was found from Dec. 1994 to March 1995.The limpet on the pebble beach was distributed in the mid-tide and low-tide areas and, especially in the lowhde area they showed a tendency to migrate towards the infralittoral zone along with the coming of winter on the rocky beach the limpet had a similar vertical distribution, bu there appeared large differences in occurrence frequency. showing a state of fluctuation. on the vertical cliffs, the limpets were even more concenatd on the bottom of the low-tide area. During the inveshgation, 7 or 8 Neptunea sp. were preying upon the limpets in the samping zone. The tendency of the vallation of the wttative distribution of the Neptunea sp. was opposite to that of the limpets. The birds represented by torus dominicanus prey on the limpets, which amounted to 26.9% of the food of the bird. Each bird can consu
Oceanologia Et Limnologia Sinica
Antactic limpets (Nacella concinna) Population density Vertical distribution