本文对中国台湾海峡鱼类寄生线虫的虫的形态特征进行了聚类分析 和主成份分析。针对目前鱼类寄生线虫形态分类中存在的问题,尤其是难以区分是形 态学差异还是个体间变异,以及主成份分析在分类学中运用应注意的问题进行探讨。
The eight species of nematode larvae from marine fish in Taiwan Strait were studied with the clustering analysis of Euclidean taxonomic distance and principal components analysis (PCA), based on about fifteen structural characters of nematodes commonly used in traditional classification show similar results. Multivariate analysis indicated that environmental factors, notably host species, have effect on the morphology of marine-fish parasitic nematodes. Among characters, the PCA shows that, the characteristics describing the relative morphometric of , the alimentary canal and its appendix and some organs' relative position may play important roles in the taxonomy of nematodes. The ordination of the structural characters of nematodes obtained by PCA could further explain the relationship between species and then determine whether exist morphological and species difference.
Journal of Oceanography In Taiwan Strait