目的参照《中国居民膳食营养素参考摄入量Chinese DRIs》对中国南极考察越冬队员营养摄入基本状况进行现场调查与分析。方法研究对象为中国第24、25次南极考察队越冬队员,共34名,均男性,自由饮食,采用记账法和称重法对考察队员进行膳食调查,然后根据食物成分表计算出每人每日能量和各种营养素摄入量。一年共进行4次。结果禽肉类摄入量等显著超过(中国DRIs)建议摄入量;蔬菜、水果、奶类摄入显著低于(中国DRIs)建议摄入量。能量、蛋白质和脂肪摄入量显著超过(中国DRIs)建议摄入量,维生素A1、B1、B2、C显著低于(中国DRIs)建议摄入量。结论南极考察队员蛋白质脂肪等摄入过高与南极特殊寒冷气候相关。维生素类摄入过低与食品供给条件相关。
Objective To investigate and analyze to chinese Antarctic expedition winter members' nutritional intake.Methods 34 cases of the 24th and 25th chinese Antarctic expedition winter members were researched,they were all males,free diet.We plan to do dietary survey to them by using accounting method and the weighing method then according to the food composition table,we calculate intake of energy and various nutrients per person per day.This study we plan to do four times a year.Resluts Poultry intake was significant more than chinese DRIs,while vegetables,fruits,milk intake were significant less than chinese DRIs.Energy,protein and fat intake were significant more than chinese DRIs,while vitamin A1,B1,B2,C are significant less than chinese DRIs.Conclusion The high level of antarctic expeditioners'protein and fat intake is related to special cold Antarctic climate.The low level of antarctic expeditioners' vitamin intake is related to food supply conditions.
Jiangxi Medical Journal