In order to understand the cytobiological features of primary auditory neurons invitro, the culture model of auditory neuron were created with serum element from postnatal 10~16 day WLS chicken and 7 days postnata1 (P7) Wistar rats. We observed the cellular growth ofauditory nerve by inverted/phase contrast and fluoresent microscope and particularly describedtheir cytobiological character of development and differentiation process. Immunocytochemicl iden-tification was carried out on the cultured spiral ganglion neuron (SGN) of P7 Wistar rats by meansof S-P method and monoclonal antibody of neurofiament protein (Anti-NFP-McAb) to show thedegree of phenotypic differentiation. Our result demonstrated that the ganglion and dissocialedneurons frorn the two postnatal species could survive well and differentiate to a normal phenotypicfeature, the surviving period and cell amount of auditory neurons were able to meet the needs forcytological experiments in vitro. One important fact to take into account is a stable neuronal plas-ticity of anditory neuron exised in the postnatal animals under the present experimeatal conditons.This study, gathered with the previous works by author extends the material sources of innerear tissue culture and provides a reliable approach to the neurobiological researches on the periph-eral auditory system in vitro.
Journal of Naval General Hospital of PLA