
试析古突厥文中Sir的族属 被引量:2

On the Group Belonging of "Sir" in Ancient Turkic Language
摘要 古突厥文Sir一名长期存有争议。根据文献对勘、史地考证、语音演变和语言对比,可以发现:古突厥文《暾欲谷碑》中Sir当属异姓突厥,Turk-Sir地更是后突厥圣地中心;《毗伽可汗碑》《阙立啜碑》中Sir实指思结部;《铁尔痕碑》中isig=isik=izik=izig,即为思结一名的对音形式;古藏文《北方若干国君王统叙记文书》中Pal(或Bal)-Sil意为种田或富有的Sil,而Sil=Sir,这与思结部在8世纪的经济状况是相吻合的;和阗塞文《使河西记》中Siqar=Siq+ar,即思结人,8世纪下半叶迁往河西的思结部在9世纪初成为回鹘核心属部;回鹘文文献中的Silig亦即思结的,意在指称融入沙州回鹘的河西思结部。依照Saqs=Sqr=Siqir可以推测:河西思结部在并入沙州回鹘之后,又成为裕固的主要组成部分。 There is long dispute on the word "Sir" in ancient Turkic language.It is found that Sir belonged to different surname in《Tunyugubei》 written with ancient Turkic language according to comparative study of literature,investigation of the historical place,phonological evolution and language comparison.The place of Turk-sir was the Holy Land Center of post Turkic.Sir referred to Sijie tribe in 《Pijiakehanbei》 and《Quelichuobei》.Ising=isik=izik=izig in 《Tie'erhenbei》.It is the phonological form of Sijie tribe.In 《The Documents of the Management of Some Kings in North China》written with Ancient Tibetan language,Pal or Sil referred to farming or wealthy Sil.And Sil meant Sir.This was compatible to the economic situation of Sijie tribe in the 8th century.In 《Shihexiji》 written by Sai language in Hetian,Siqar=Siq+ar.It referred to Sijie people.Sijie tribe immigrating to Hexi in the later part of 8th century became the core tribe of Uighur in 9th century.In the literature of Uighur,Silig meant of sijie,referring to Sijie Tribe assimilated to Shazhou Uighur.According to the rule that Saq? S=? q? and r=Siqir,it can be predicted that Sijie tribe became the main component of Yugur after Sijie tribe was integrated with Shazhou Uighur.
作者 洪勇明
出处 《西北民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2011年第4期124-131,共8页 Journal of Northwest Minzu University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"与新疆有关的古代突厥文 回鹘文文献整理研究"(10XTQ011) 新疆维吾尔自治区高校科研计划青年教师科研启动基金项目"鄂尔浑碑铭所见部族考略"(XJEDU2009S29) 新疆大学社会科学基金项目"漠北回纥汗国碑铭考释"的阶段性成果之一
关键词 古突厥文 SIR 族属 思结 ancient Turkic language Sir group belonging Sijie
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