目的 报告3例RK术后严重眼球破裂伤的手术效果.方法 部分穿透性角膜移植及联合瞳孔成形、前段玻璃体切除,角膜裂伤修补及后段玻璃体切除视网膜复位术.结果3例均保存了眼球.结论BK术后眼球破裂伤虽然严重而复杂,但通过穿透性角膜移植术及联合手术治疗,仍有可能保存眼球和恢复部分视力.
To evaluate the therapeutic effect of penetrating ker-atoplasty combined with iridoplasty, vitrectomy on three ruptured globes following radial keratectomy. Methods The surgery was performed with penetrating keratoplasty combined with iridoplasty,anterior vitrectomy, or with posterios vitrectomy, retinal retachment. Results Visual acuity of three ruptured globes were rescued. Conclusion Ocular ruptrue following radial keratectomy was serious. Penetrating keratoplasty combined with iridoplasty,vitrectomy is an effective method for ruptured globes following radial keratectomy.
Journal of Injuries and Occupational Diseases of the Eye with Ophthalmic Surgeries