目的通过分析近年来重庆市南川区人民医院部分就诊人员共计11657例梅毒感染者,了解重庆南川地区各类人群的梅毒感染情况。方法利用TP-ELISA检测就诊患者血清梅毒抗体,利用χ2检验分析男女之间及各年龄段人群阳性率差异。结果在11657例中,检出梅毒抗体阳性443例,其中4 616例男性标本检出阳性数为169例,检出百分率为3.66%;7041例女性标本检出阳性为274例,检出百分率为3.89%。男女之间阳性率差异没有统计学意义。结论梅毒已经成为该地区性病的主要感染疾病之一,提示高危人群中梅毒潜在感染率已经很高了,且处于稳定增长期。应及时对高危人群进行梅毒血清学筛查,同时针对流行特征,采取综合预防措施。
Objective To study the syphilis infection rates of 11 657 patients visited our hospital in recent years,and to understand the infection status of syphilis in different groups of people in Nanchuan,Chongqing.Methods The method of TP-ELISA was used to detect syphilis antibody in the patients′ sera,and chi-square statistics was used to analyze the positive rates between different sex and different age patients.Results 443 out of 11 657 cases were detected syphilis antibody positive,and the positive results were as follows:169 in male group,the positive rate was 3.66%(169/4 616),and 274 in female group,the positive rate was 3.89%(274/7 041),there was no significant difference of the positive rate between male and female patients.Conclusion Syphilis has become one of the main sexually transmitted diseases(STDs) in this area.It shows the high infection rate and steady grouth of syphilis in the high risk population.So we should do timely serological screening of syphilis in high risk groups,and adopt comprehensive preventive measures according to the epidemiological characteristics at the same time.
Laboratory Medicine and Clinic
infection rate
population distribution