目的探讨服用来曲唑(LE)两种不同天数对多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)不孕症妇女的促排卵的效果。方法 96例促排卵的PCOS不孕症妇女,分为2组,A组56例:于月经周期第3~7天,每日口服来曲唑5mg,B组40例:于月经周期第3~9天,每日口服来曲唑5mg。周期第10天监测卵泡发育,若优势卵泡平均直径<11 mm,则加用HMG,从75 IU/d开始,肌肉注射,每2-3日监测1次卵泡,根据卵泡生长情况,逐渐加量,最大量用至150IU/d;当优势卵泡最大直径≥18 mm或尿LH阳性,肌肉注HCG5000-10 000 IU,诱发排卵,嘱患者于注射日或次日同房;或HCG注射后24h或36h行宫腔内人工授精(intrauterineinsemination,IUI)。比较两组患者的多种临床指标。结果 2组在促排卵治疗中,对两组HMG用量,卵泡成熟所需天数,HCG日子宫内膜厚度,差异有显著性P<0.01);在HCG日≥15mm卵泡个数,三线征阳性率,妊娠率,两组间差异无显著性(P>0.05);卵巢过度刺激综合征(OHSS),两组无统计学意义;两组均无卵泡未破黄素综合征(LUFS)发生。结论 5mg×7d方案,其在卵泡成熟天数,减少HMG用量方面均有优势。
Objective Discuss taking letrozole(LE) on two different days with polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS) women with infertility of the effect of ovulation induction.Methods 96 cases of ovulation induction in infertile PCOS women,divided into 2 groups,A group of 56 patients: In the menstrual cycle,the third to seven days,daily oral letrozole 5mg,B group,40 patients: The third to ninth day in the menstrual cycle,daily oral letrozole 5mg.The tenth day of the menstrual cycle monitoring of follicular development,If the average diameter of dominant follicle 11 mm,the addition of HMG,starting from 75 IU once daily intramuscular injection,monitored every two to three days once a follicle,according to follicle growth,gradually increase the amount to 150IU per day with the maximum amount;When the dominant follicle diameter ≥ 18 mm or a positive urinary LH,intramuscular injection HCG5000-10000 IU,induce ovulation,tell the patient sexual intercourse at the injection day or the next day;Or 24h or 36h after the HCG injection for IUI(intrauterine insemination,IUI).To compare the two groups a variety of clinical indicators.Results Ovulation induction in both groups,Significant difference was found between two groups in HMG doses,the number of days required for follicular maturation,thickness of endometrium in the HCG days(P〈0.01).No significant difference was found between two groups follicle number of follicles ≥ 15mm in diameter in the HCG day,the positive rate of endmetrial development,pregnancy rate(P〉0.05),No significant difference was found between two groups in Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome(OHSS),Both groups didn't have luteinizing unruptured follicle syndrome(LUFS).Conclusion The 5mg × 7d program has reduced HMG dosage and the number of days required for follicular maturation advantage.
Journal of Rare and Uncommon Diseases
ovulation induction
polycystic ovary syndrome