

Robust Pole Assignment for a Class of Continuous Interval Systems
摘要 针对一类连续线性区间系统,基于线性矩阵不等式,介绍一类能够将给出的连续区间系统的闭环系统的极点配置到指定圆盘中的状态反馈和输出反馈增益矩阵的设计方法.这类设计方法也包括分别基于执行器故障和传感器故障的可靠控制器的设计方法,基于矩阵的谱半径不大于自身的最大奇异值的理论以及矩阵的Schur补引理,将矩阵的最大奇异值限定后就能将矩阵的特征值限制在某个圆盘内,再将这种结果以线性矩阵不等式的形式表达出来.最后,给出的数值例子说明这类方法的可行性和有效性。 To a class of uncertain continuous linear interval systems, this paper introduces a class of method of designing the state and output feedback gain which place the closed-loop poles of a given continuous interval system inside a specified circular disc, in terms of state and output feedback and linear matrix inequalities. In this paper, the reliable robust pole assignment is also presented, in terms of actuator and sensor failures. This method is mainly based on the theories of Schur Component lemma and that a matrixes speetral radius is not exceed the maximum singular value of the matrix. At the end of this paper, numerical examples are also given to illustrate the design procedures and their effectiveness.
作者 胡号 姚波
出处 《计算技术与自动化》 2011年第2期15-20,共6页 Computing Technology and Automation
基金 辽宁省教育厅高等学校科学研究项目(L2010519)
关键词 鲁棒圆盘极点配置 可靠控制 执行器故障 传感器故障 线性矩阵不等式 robust pole assignment reliable control actuator failure sensor failure LMI (linear matrix inequality)
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