MVB(Multifunction Vehicle Bus)总线管理器需要按照周期扫描表来进行周期轮询,周期扫描表是周期数据通信时调度的依据,因此,配置好周期扫描表就可以更高效的传输数据。目的是完成周期扫描表的配置,并对配置情况加以说明。在分析了周期数据通信方式和报文定时特点的基础上,结合国际电工委员会标准IEC 61375-1中构成周期扫描表的基本规则,确定了生成周期扫描表的算法流程。同时说明了周期数据时间在超出基本周期时间65%的状况下,又如何调整周期扫描表来完成周期扫描表的配置。最后再根据MVB周期信息,以EMD(Elec-trical Middle Distance)介质为例子说明了如何配置周期扫描表。
MVB master needs to configure the table according to periodic polling table, and the periodic polling table is the basis for the periodic data communicating and scheduling, so it can be more efficient for transferring data if the periodic polling table is configured well. The main purpose of this paper is to complete the periodic polling table configuration and explanation. On the basis of analyzing the periodic data communicating and features of packet timing, combining with the basic rules of the IEC standard IEC61375-1, the generation algorithm of the periodic polling table is determined. Also when the time of periodic data is beyond 65% of the basic cycle time, how to adjust the periodic polling table parameters for configuration is elaborated. Finally, according to the periodic information of MVB, an example of Electrical Middle Distance Media is used to interpret how to configure the periodic polling table.
Railway Locomotive & Car