采用偏光显微镜和光学解偏结晶速率仪研究了嵌段聚醚酯共聚物的结晶形态和等温结晶过程。结果发现,结晶速度K 随聚酯含量增加而增大,随聚醚分子量的增大而增大,交联剂使结晶速度K 减少。嵌段聚醚酯的等温结晶过程可用Avrami方程描述,最快结晶速度K 对应的结晶温度Tmax与聚合物熔点Tm 的关系满足经验式Tmax = (0 .8 ~0 .85) Tm 。
The crystallization morphology and isothermal crystallization process were studied by means of polarized microscope and DLI(Depolarized Light Intensity) for poly(ether ester) block copolymers. The results show that the isothermal crystallization process of poly(ether ester) block copolymers can be descripted by Avrami equation. It was shown in experimental results that the crystallization rates increase with the increase of the polyester content and the molecular weight of polyether. The chemical cross link agent decreases the crystallization rates. The relationship between temperature T max at which the copolymer has the maximum crystallizatiion rate and melting point T o was in agreement with the equation: T max =(0.8~0.8=) T m.
poly(ether ester), block copolymer, crystallization morphology, crystallization rate