研究表明,苹果同品种苗木的枝条水势变化受育苗地水分状态影响明显,水分供应充足的水浇苗圃地育出的成苗,苗粗苗高苗壮,枝条水势高;旱地苗圃育出的苗木,明显细、矮、弱,枝条水势低。不同水势的苗木在旱地定植,水势高的成活率低,水势低的成活率高,其规律是枝条水势等于或高于旱地土壤水势的苗木不能成活;低于土壤水势但差值绝对值小于3.5×105 的有相当部分苗木不能正常发芽展叶,直至雨季降过大雨,土壤水势大幅度提高后才能发芽展叶表现成活;而差值绝对值大于3.5×105 的树株绝大部分都能正常发芽展叶表现成活,且有差值绝对值越大发芽越快树势越旺的趋向。并证实,肥水供应充足的水浇苗圃地培育出来的壮苗,在干旱荒坡梯田定植死亡率高,且有大量不能正常发芽,长期保持绿杆,直至雨季降过大雨后,才能发芽展叶表现成活,这是苗木本身水势偏高对旱地定植成活率的正常影响。
The research indicates that the stock water potential of the same apple varieties is evidently affected by water conditions of the nursery. Those root stocks from the nurseries with adequate water supply are coarser,higher,stronger, and with higher water potential, and verse visa. Planted in dry land, the survival ratio is usually higher for the stocks with lower water potential, and lower for those with higher water potential, the root stock can't survive when the water potential in root stocks is equal to or higher than the water potential in soil; When the stock water potential is lower than the soil, water potential, but the absolute D value is <3.5×10 5, part of the stocks can not sprout normally till rain falls and soil water potential becomes evidently higher. When the absolute D value is >3.5×10 5, most of the stocks can sprout normally. The bigger the absolute D value the faster the stock to sprout, and the stronger the vagary, and it is verified that the phenomenon that those stocks form nurseries with adequate water supplies have higher heath ratio after planted in barren terraced slopes; many of them can't sprout normally, remaining dormancy or semi dormancy state till rain fall to begin sprouting.The stock's higher water potential normally affects its survival ratio in dry land. The result reminds that in choosing the stocks for the afforestation of dry mountain regions, the effect of stock water potential to the survival ratio must be considered.
Agricultural Research in the Arid Areas
apple nursery stock
water potential
dry land cultivation
survival ratio after planted